Due to the increased prominence and impact of Hispanic Americans across the country, Kleber and Associates has published a white paper discussing Hispanic Americans’ influence on, not only our culture, but, also on consumerism. As the largest minority group in the country – a group of now more than 50 million – Hispanics represent a rapidly increasing level of purchasing power, currently more than $1 trillion. For those of us in the home and building products channel, Hispanic Americans are a highly targeted group, as they have both increasing population and purchasing power on their side, more so than any other minority group in the U.S. All consumer product marketing for that matter should pay special attention to what their audiences think and how they buy. Given the new sphere of influence minority groups have created, marketers must ensure the appropriate messages are reaching them.
As our “Marketing to Hispanic Americans White Paper” illustrates, Hispanic Americans make up approximately 15.1 percent of the U.S. population and are the largest minority group in the nation. Emerging as the largest minority group in the U.S., Hispanics are now responsible for more than half of the population increase over the past 10 years. A story from Associated Press says, “racial and ethnic minorities are expected to make up an unprecedented 90 percent of the total U.S. growth since 2000, due to immigration and higher birth rates for Latinos.”

With that said, marketing to this group is extremely important, especially through social media as Hispanic Americans are heavy social media users. For instance, our research shows that many check Facebook every time they get online. More importantly is their propensity to click on Facebook ads that are relevant to their interests. How can you market to Hispanic Americans with social media? According to a recent Media Post’s Engage: Hispanics article written by Jose Villa, marketers can reach this group on social media by using personas.
“Personas are user archetypes that help guide decisions about product features, navigation, interactions and visual design,” Villa wrote. “I think personas provide an effective tool that can be evolved to include psychographic data to help brands effectively navigate the Hispanic social media waters.”
Through research for his “Hispanic Persona Project,” Villa and his team clustered the diverse group into five personas. In Villa’s article, he shared three of these personas.

  1. Super Users
  2. Social Techies
  3. Moderates

The “Super Users” do everything online and are early adapters and teachers of social media. They are always connected, and social media is their main source of entertainment. The “Social Techies” delve into social media because everyone else is doing it. However they are often the first to respond to social posts and use social media to track people and friends. The “Moderates” are tech-savvy, but do not heavily use social media. Moderates primarily use it to stay connected on an as-needed basis. This persona typically doesn’t use Twitter – only Facebook – and only occasionally shops online.
Knowing and applying these personas as you create social media campaign plans should help you market to Hispanic Americans more effectively. Furthermore, understanding these personas may give you a unique opportunity to interact with them on a deeper level. To help you achieve this, Kleber and Associates has published a new white paper on Hispanic consumerism with the most recent data and latest strategies for marketing success.

Kleber & Associates is an Atlanta-based integrated marketing communications agency serving the home and building products industry for 25 years. Visit the Kleber & Associates website for the latest news and information about marketing for home and building products for consumers, architects, builders, remodelers, designers and manufacturers. Through our marketing, advertising, public relations and digital marketing expertise — we build better brands that build a better home.