How to Innovate Building Product Marketing in the New Year

How to Innovate Building Product Marketing in the New Year

How to Innovate in the New Year The trusty garage may become a thing of the past. You know, the large spaces found in most American homes — designed to accommodate two or even three cars — but are just as often used for storing junk? Thanks to technology,...
Making Fire-Resistance a More Important Feature for Buildings

Making Fire-Resistance a More Important Feature for Buildings

Climate change has lengthened dry seasons throughout the United States, resulting in more frequent and devastating wildfires. The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts the areas in the U.S. affected by wildfires will likely double by 2050. Despite this fact, new...
3 Building Product ReBranding Lessons Learned From Donuts

3 Building Product ReBranding Lessons Learned From Donuts

Dunkin Donuts could have been years ahead of Starbucks, if they had only asked me It was many years ago (before I became committed to the building products marketing world) when I got my first lesson in sales & marketing alignment. I was 13 years old, and as many...
How Building Product Brands Can Create Loyalty

How Building Product Brands Can Create Loyalty

On any given day, people interact heavily with their iPhones, walk a mile in a pair of TOMS, drive to work in their Toyota and grab a Starbucks coffee after lunch. These iconic products thrive off of repeat customers who purchase items with predictable frequency....
3  Keys  to  Improving  Brand  Voice  for  Building  Products

3 Keys to Improving Brand Voice for Building Products

In the old days, back before smart phones and caller ID, when your phone rang you picked it up — and if the person on the other end was familiar, you could tell right away. How? Because you could recognize their voice. Brands have voices, too. Developing and...