The exorbitant popularity of social media has given people all over the world a voice like never before. As demonstrated by the face off between Ashton Kutcher and CNN for the most Twitter followers, one individual can literally have more perceived influence than an entire news organization. As such, it seems as if virtually overnight the traditional media and marketing landscape has been indefinitely altered.
For some brands, the transparency which social media requires can be downright alarming. But for those brands that embrace the online conversation, social media can become a marketing tool that vastly strengthens a brand and its mission.
Below are K&A’s top 12 reasons why a social media marketing campaign is valuable to your brand:

  1. Increases brand awareness
  2. Helps manage brand reputation/aids in crisis communications
  3. Increases customer service ability
  4. Creates brand evangelists
  5. Betters your brand’s Internet search ranking
  6. Generates qualified leads
  7. Helps monitor competitors
  8. Promotes new brand product or service offerings
  9. Enhances interaction and engagement with customers
  10. Helps monitor news and trends in your industry
  11. Provides enhanced media opportunities
  12. Increases brand networking and partnership opportunities

The bottom line is that the online conversation will go on — with or without your brand. Now is the time to evaluate your marketing program, and to ensure social media is an integral part of your brand’s overall marketing strategy for the future.
Tweet @stevekleber and tell us why or how your brand has joined the online conversation. Or contact Steve Kleber at to find out more about what K&A’s new Social Media Department can do for your company.