Imagine a mass-timber skyscraper – to be the tallest in the world – prominently perched upon the Milwaukee skyline. At 55 stories, this new tower will be constructed from engineered wood… instead of steel.

Of course, architects will be thrilled to learn all about this project.

It’s a soaring and contemporary structure. And the tower is being built in a city that’s ripe for rejuvenation.

Most importantly, it’s being constructed from an unusual building material and process.

Of all the professions involved in the construction industry, architects are among the most important audiences to target.

Architects after all, play a pivotal role in the specification and selection of builder products that shape our built environment. Their decisions carry significant weight – influencing not only aesthetics but also function – as well as sustainability and compliance with regulations.

Be prepared for how to address this unique community… as building materials marketing directed at architects requires a nuanced approach that aligns with their professional priorities.

Understanding the Architect’s Role in the Building Product Selection Process

Architects serve as gatekeepers in the construction industry… guiding the selection of materials, technologies and systems that will ultimately define a project. Their decisions impact the durability, performance and overall success of a building… making them a critical link in the product specification process.

Marketers must recognize the technical, aesthetic and sustainability considerations that architects prioritize.

A recent study by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) underscores the growing emphasis on sustainability… with 81% of architects reporting that sustainable design is a top priority in their projects. This trend highlights the need for Building Product Brands to align their marketing messages with the sustainability goals of architectural firms. Successful marketing strategies address these priorities by positioning products as solutions – that meet or exceed the rigorous standards – set by the architectural community.

Establishing Credibility and Trust

These professionals rely on accurate, detailed information to make informed decisions. And any perceived lack of transparency or expertise can undermine a brand’s efforts.

To establish and maintain trust, brands must prioritize providing architects with reliable, evidence-based information… that demonstrates the performance and benefits of their products.

Real-world case studies – backed by data – will serve as powerful tools. For instance, when Owens Corning introduced its new line of energy-efficient insulation products, the company supported its claims with case studies… from projects where the insulation had been successfully implemented. This approach not only validated the product’s performance – but also positioned Owens Corning as a knowledgeable and trustworthy partner – in energy-efficient building solutions.

In addition to case studies, third-party certifications from respected industry organizations such as the U.S. Green Building Council – or the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute – can further enhance a brand’s credibility. These certifications provide architects with the assurance that a product meets high standards of sustainability and safety… which are increasingly important in today’s construction landscape.

Leveraging Targeted Communication Channels

Reaching architects requires a strategic approach to communication that recognizes their preferences for professional, peer-reviewed content. Traditional advertising may not resonate as strongly with this audience. Consider instead, more specialized channels that offer in-depth information and industry insights.

Trade shows, for example, present valuable opportunities for direct engagement with architects for installed building products. Events such as the AIA Conference on Architecture or Greenbuild International Conference and Expo attract thousands of architects… providing a platform for brands to showcase their products and network with potential clients. Remember that participation in these events must be supported by a well-coordinated follow-up strategy to maximize the impact of these interactions.

Architects also frequently turn to industry publications – and online platforms –  for the latest developments in materials, design trends and regulatory updates. Featuring products in respected journals such as Architectural Record or Building Design+Construction can significantly increase a brand’s visibility within the architectural community.

Providing Continuing Education Opportunities

Architects are required to maintain their licenses through continuing education… making educational content a valuable marketing tool. Building Product Brands can engage architects by offering CEU courses that cover relevant topics. These courses not only provide architects with the knowledge they need to stay current in their field but also create opportunities for brands to position themselves as reputable sources.

Armstrong World Industries, for example, offers a range of continuing education programs through its Armstrong Ceiling Solutions division… focusing on topics like acoustics, indoor air quality and sustainable design. These programs are indorsed by the AIA and provide architects with the credits they need – while at the same time – promoting Armstrong’s products as solutions to key challenges.

Five Best Practices for Marketing Building Products to Architects
  1. Understand Their Priorities: Tailor marketing messages to address the specific needs and challenges faced by architects… with a focus on sustainability, performance and compliance.
  2. Establish Credibility: Use data-driven case studies, third-party certifications and transparent communication to build trust and demonstrate the value of your products.
  3. Leverage Targeted Channels: Engage with architects through industry-specific events, publications and digital platforms where they seek professional information.
  4. Offer Educational Content: Provide continuing education opportunities that align with architects’ interests and professional requirements.
  5. Stay Ahead of Trends: Monitor industry issues and emerging technologies to ensure brand promises remain innovative and highly relevant.

Marketing Building Product Brands to architects requires an approach that aligns with architects’ professional values and decision-making. By understanding their priorities, establishing credibility, offering educational content and staying ahead of industry trends… Building Product Brands can effectively position themselves as trusted partners.

If you’re ready to learn better ways to target outreach aimed at architects for enhancing your marketing efforts, we’re here to help. Send an email to Steve at to get the conversation started.