It’s a tough time to be a journalist covering the building and remodeling industry. Or just about any trade industry, for that matter. Which also presents an opportunity for you as a home & building materials marketer to fill a void…if you do it...
Understanding what earned media is — what it isn’t — and where to find it Earned media is precisely what its name implies — word-of-mouth reporting that arises from positive impressions of your business. It represents all forms of attention...
Have you ever noticed in film and on television, how branded products make their way into the shot? Whether it’s everyone drinking a certain brand of soda or the latest mobile device used by James Bond… this is no mere coincidence. In fact, some of the...
Kleber & Associates (K&A), an Atlanta-based integrated marketing and communications firm specializing in the home and commercial building products channel, has been chosen as the public relations and social media agency for the International Woodworking...
The exorbitant popularity of social media has given people all over the world a voice like never before. As demonstrated by the face off between Ashton Kutcher and CNN for the most Twitter followers, one individual can literally have more perceived influence than an...