Big Builders Collect Big Checks In this age of populist rage at Wall Street bigwigs for awarding themselves extravagant (frankly, we would call it blasphemous) top-level bonuses, some big-name home building executives made quite a pretty penny even as their companies...
Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on The 3 C’s for Homebuilder Marketing. Gale Steves, author of the recently-published book “Right Sizing Your Home,” sat down with K&A to discuss how home builders have been...
Property-Assessed Clean Energy programs, commonly referred to as PACE, are poised for major growth as more municipalities consider legislation that would allow homeowners this new way to pay for energy efficient retrofits. Here’s how it works. A local government...
Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on Cool Ways to Save Water Modern appliances and futuristic home goods offer an interactive and precise user experience that promises to be both efficient and mind blowing. Despite recent trends that...
Where are your fondest memories in your home? Most would say the kitchen, a celebrated room that not only offers the comfort of good food, family times and great company, but also promises the biggest return on investment in terms of upgrades. Today, the kitchen is an...