Selling a product that requires trained and experienced installers can be challenging. Yet, it’s critically important to get this mission right. After all, general contractors are the gatekeepers to those installers… and knowing how to market and sell to...
From a very early age, kids are asked what they want to be when they grow up. They almost never answer that they want to work in the construction or building trades. That needs to change. Fortunately, some forward-thinking brands are working to make a difference....
Steve Kleber, founder of integrated marketing communications firm Kleber & Associates, and I recently discussed the challenges in the current housing climate. We explored the factors influencing the lack of affordable housing, the response from the...
The world is constantly evolving. And the pace of that change continues to accelerate. Communications technology is advancing rapidly. At the same time, audience perception and expectations are shifting tectonically. Through it all, the role of the Chief Marketing...
The world has changed dramatically for Real Estate brands. The least affordable housing market in decades has set the stage for a rise in the percentage of deals cancelled… as climbing rates make home ownership more expensive. Mortgage applications dropped last...