Marketing Home Products in a Segmented Marketplace

Here’s the latest on Marketing Home Products in a Segmented Marketplace  Balancing Social and Traditional Communications   Yes, social media is changing the way the world communicates, but that doesn’t mean that every customer is using it....

Marketing Home Products with Twitter, Part 2

In my previous post, I wrote about some basic rules of thumb when using Twitter, especially as a marketing strategy. Today, I’d like to include some of the specifics Twitter offers, like using hashtags and how search is essential for new business...

Marketing Home Products with Twitter, Part 1

There are countless statistics out there about Twitter users: who’s more active, who the loudmouths are, who logs on once in a blue moon and who didn’t get past the first step of signing up. As you might guess, those who are involved in conversations and...

“Foreverism” a New Trend in Marketing Home Products

Customers Are Forever Interacting, Forever Online According to, there is an emerging trend of heightened online interaction, dialogue and conversation among customers and brands. Called “foreverism,” the trend is defined as the:...