Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on NeoCon 2012 Recap

Comfort and Color seemed to be the theme of NeoCon 2012. Forget rigid office furniture and drab colors, several NeoCon exhibitors showed off the latest in office comfort and color. This Hosu chair from Patricia Urquiola is especially eye-catching in bright yellow.

Izzy also featured some comfy breakout spaces with pops of bold color.

These designer wall coverings had lots of people talking about the new colors and textures including glass beads and LED wallpaper.

These t-shirts from EnoughSaidTees seemed to sum up the sentiment of the show well: “Life is too short for beige.”
Finally we just had to share this with you. Camira introduced their new bast fiber fabric that is 100%  biodegradable during the show last week. The natural colors and textures are beautiful. But what we really love is the stop-motion video made using the new fabric to showcase the products sustainability. We really enjoyed this creative product promo!

What were your favorites at NeoCon 2012?