How to build a Building Product Brand during this Pandemic

How to build a Building Product Brand during this Pandemic

The ability to deliver empathy and a willingness to “walk in your customers’ shoes” has always mattered. Marketing that connects authentically with end-users and the trade channel on a deeper level — that goes beyond just selling product...
What Building Product Brands Can Learn from the Coronavirus

What Building Product Brands Can Learn from the Coronavirus

Despite our collective experience from previous disruptions to the Building Product and Financing Channels, the panic and economic events associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is unlike anything we’ve witnessed. The International Air Transport Association...

Outdoor living

Outdoor living A white paper by Kleber & Associates Up until the mid-20th century, American home life was split between two types of experiences: Urban living in major cities and factory towns where space was limited and accommodations were tight; and rural...

Gen Z: Reaching the Next Generation of Building Product Customers

Gen Z: Reaching the Next Generation of Building Product Customers A white paper by Kleber & Associates Reaching millennials — people born between 1981 and 1996 — has been a special project of businesses across the commercial spectrum for the past two...