3  Keys  to  Improving  Brand  Voice  for  Building  Products

3 Keys to Improving Brand Voice for Building Products

In the old days, back before smart phones and caller ID, when your phone rang you picked it up — and if the person on the other end was familiar, you could tell right away. How? Because you could recognize their voice. Brands have voices, too. Developing and...
Want to reach your trade audiences? Try telling them a story

Want to reach your trade audiences? Try telling them a story

Storytelling is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Marketers are realizing the power of telling a story to humanize their brands, connect with consumers, and stand out from the competition. That’s fine for consumers, but when you need to communicate...
How to Make ‘Quality Content’ King in 2018 

How to Make ‘Quality Content’ King in 2018 

It’s early January, 2018. The time of year that ushers in a slew of blogs and articles making predictions about the year to come.  Some of those predictions will turn out to be correct. Many will not. In fact, the only thing that can be accurately predicted...
The Kleber Ad of the Year IKEA Gets Real, Emotional

The Kleber Ad of the Year IKEA Gets Real, Emotional

If there’s one thing we love, it’s a good story based on human emotions. In the sentence above, the word “we” doesn’t just refer to us at Kleber & Associates. It refers to all of us as human beings. Real, emotional stories are what...