How Building Products Marketers Create Content that Really Works

How Building Products Marketers Create Content that Really Works

One of the biggest trends in our industry in the last ten years or so is content marketing. It’s gotten to the point where it’s almost a buzzword, and many thought leaders have declared that its time has passed. The reason for skepticism is that so many...
Measuring Customer Intent in Your Building Products

Measuring Customer Intent in Your Building Products

If you don’t measure it, did it happen? Recent research claims that only eight percent of consumers reported being “very satisfied” with promotional emails. Honestly, we’re surprised it’s that high. Email has been around for decades, and...
To Avoid Commoditization, Look to the Lobsters and Turkeys

To Avoid Commoditization, Look to the Lobsters and Turkeys

In the building products industry, as in just about all industries, “commoditization” is a nasty word and a fate to be avoided at all costs. When it happens, that means you’re competing solely on price… and customers, whether they’re...