TO TELL THE TRUTH…What consumers really think about your brand

Since the inception of corporate marketing, marketing professionals have posed the same two questions: what really drives consumer-purchasing habits? And, how can I use this information to increase my bottom line? Uncovering consumer inspiration One of my recent blogs...


Despite some popular beliefs amid the barrage of negative media reports, the luxury housing market remains strong. The majority of today’s high-end consumers aren’t in danger of losing their homes. In fact, luxury homes, and the products installed in them,...

Not All Publicity is Good PR

Despite its popularity, the saying “all PR is good PR” couldn’t be farther from the truth. Take, for example, the recent indictment of Michael Vick. Now that’s a PR nightmare. In a country where you’re innocent until proven guilty, the...

What’s in a Name?

Just as the brand name Starbucks resonates prosperity and the feeling of needing “celebrity cash” to purchase a simple cup of Joe, companies worldwide are carefully selecting company brand names and aligning themselves with other companies that equate...