A.I. Lessons for Building Product Brands by Toys R Us

A.I. Lessons for Building Product Brands by Toys R Us

It’s no secret that generative artificial intelligence tools are the Next Big Thing. While some may perceive AI as a potential threat to job security – its integration into marketing strategies – presents a host of opportunities for those poised to...
Campaign Critique: Pfister’s Stories Elevate The Trades

Campaign Critique: Pfister’s Stories Elevate The Trades

Pfister’s “American Plumber Stories” docuseries highlights the fascinating personal stories of plumbing professionals across the United States. While offering an engaging behind-the-scenes look at the trade, the campaign also serves a deeper...
Mid-Year Economic Report: Rough Waters or Smooth Sailing?

Mid-Year Economic Report: Rough Waters or Smooth Sailing?

Now that 2024 is approaching its midpoint, the economic landscape presents a mix of cautious optimism and lingering uncertainty. The latest Beige Book report from the Federal Reserve reveals that the US economy showed modest growth in late spring. Yet, persistent...