Despite entering the new year amid a backdrop of 40-year-high inflation, the current sales and marketing landscape provides a “once-in-a-generation” opportunity for progressive building product brands to reengineer the business process. In fact, a unique...
Happy New Year! 2022 was a productive year for the K&A team and we hope it was for you too. Before chasing down the promise that a new year brings, however, we always take a moment to look back at the previous year first. After all, there...
One of the highest returns on investment for client brands continues to be influencer marketing. As such, our team relies on a set of metrics… to measure each campaign’s effectiveness. While we consider a host of benchmarks — for example,...
In strategy and budget planning for 2023, without exception, our building product clients all want to talk about TikTok. So, let’s talk. In the five years of its existence, the app has gone from teenage fad to a juggernaut that’s one of the most discussed,...
In 2006, Google bought an 18-month-old video sharing platform that attracted 30,000 visitors a day. At the time, internet video was a hit or miss proposition. Yes, other sites also featured video. But none of them hosted user-created video exclusively. That $1.65...