It’s a tough time to be a journalist covering the building and remodeling industry. Or just about any trade industry, for that matter. Which also presents an opportunity for you as a home & building materials marketer to fill a void…if you do it...
Creating a Unique Mix of Strategies that Builds on What Your Company Does Best “The money is in the list…” — Proverb of online business Email marketing has literally exploded over the last decade. Heeding the call of direct response marketers...
Leads have existed as the heart of the sales pipeline for decades. However, prospects enter the sales funnel at different stages with different knowledge — carrying different needs. Treat them the same way and your ROI will likely decline. Buyer intent marketing...
In a world of thousands of brand messages, it’s important that every brand message is consistent and relevant. That’s where integrated marketing communication (IMC) becomes important. With IMC, all aspects of marketing communications such as...
Have you heard about IKEA’s cool Klippbok? Swedish for “scrap book,” the new website and iPad app allows users to create mood boards by dragging and dropping items onto a blank page. The innovative and creative building product marketing tool allows...