No one likes an attention seeker. If you stop and think about it, the kid at recess yelling, “pick me, pick me,” was most always chosen last for kickball. The guy who sent his high school crush way too many love notes likely never went to prom. The...
Have you ever felt as though advertisers are following you, as if they know what you’re interested in even before you do? As technology advances, so does the ability for companies to reach their consumers. This includes the sense that advertisers are looking...
With over 1.3 billion users, Facebook remains the global king of social media engagement. From the halls of Harvard, ramping to a cultural phenomenon in a mere decade, Facebook is viewed by some on the same level of importance as was once reserved for the telephone...
Tippingpoint labs first introduced us to the idea of the 4-1-1 Rule for Twitter. In an effort to help all of us better manage our time on Twitter and to help guide us in the right content to be publishing, they suggest tweeting “4 pieces of relevant original...
Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on Facebook’s Timeline and what it means for your brand Many of Facebook’s individual users have adopted the social network’s latest change: Timeline. Soon, every user will have the...