IKEA Pulls Out All the Stops for Gen Z Consumers

IKEA Pulls Out All the Stops for Gen Z Consumers

For decades, the makers of home, kitchen and bath products have taken two predictable paths when marketing their products to consumers – the “dependable approach,” in which a company tells a potential consumer how...
The Kleber Ad of the Year IKEA Gets Real, Emotional

The Kleber Ad of the Year IKEA Gets Real, Emotional

If there’s one thing we love, it’s a good story based on human emotions. In the sentence above, the word “we” doesn’t just refer to us at Kleber & Associates. It refers to all of us as human beings. Real, emotional stories are what...

IKEA’s Klippbok: Inspiring virtual visualization

Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on IKEA’s Klippbok: Inspiring virtual visualization There’s nothing like trying a product or service before committing. Companies have used this approach for years to gain and maintain...

Is There an App for That?

Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Is There an App for That?  Here’s the latest. How often do you use your smartphone in place of your computer to surf the Internet?  Smartphone technology is very well suited for those of us on the go. The...