Why You Should Add Blogger Outreach to Your Marketing

Why You Should Add Blogger Outreach to Your Marketing

Be honest—who would you trust more to tell you the unbiased truth about a product or service: the product’s manufacturer, or some anonymous blogger writing a review online? If you answered the “anonymous blogger,” you aren’t alone....

Scent Marketing: A Familiar Smell

While not a new marketing concept (in fact, we wrote about it in 2009), the practice of using aromas to illicit an emotional connection remains an intriguing premise. Most recently, airlines are discussing the use of scent in brand marketing to help differentiate...

Is a Light Bulb Transforming the Lighting Industry?

Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Is a Light Bulb Transforming the Lighting Industry? Here’s the latest In 2007, the U.S. Department of Energy was directed by The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 to establish the Bright Tomorrow Lighting...