It’s time once again to actually implement our New Year’s resolutions. Did you know that getting organized is one of the top five of all time? As January is Get Organized Month, it’s the perfect opportunity for those of you in the home industry to capitalize on consumer desire (and just maybe your own) to shed some pounds off of home and office waistlines. Below are the top 7 reasons that home and office organization is a high priority:

1. Brings order, calm, and control to our lives

2.  Saves hard-earned money with organized bill paying and systems for getting key daily activities complete

3. Saves valuable time; allows us to get things done in less time

4. Enables us to find what we need in shorter time 

5. Provides opportunities for increased productivity and reduced stress  

6. Allows us to better prioritize and maximize the effectiveness of each day

Remember that the most common causes of disorganization are simple things such as not having a place where everything belongs, things being stored in inconvenient places, messy cupboards and desk drawers, having more “stuff” than the space can effectively maintain. The “National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO)” formed Get Organized Month in an effort to elevate consumer awareness of the benefits of being organized. And, after all, we are all consumers. There are over 4,000 NAPO members you can align with to capitalize on consumers’ New Year organization goals.

Want examples of how K&A leveraged Get Organized Month to get its “house” in order and to increase brand exposure for its clients? Contact Steve Kleber at or call 770.518.1000.