Over the last year, life has been turned upside down. Adjusting to the “new normal” has magnified the shortcomings of existing home design and unearthed some new opportunities. This has allowed homeowners to rethink the utility of their living spaces. One...
After a challenging season riddled with game-day cancellations due to the pandemic, NFL’s season concluded with Super Bowl LV last Sunday. The 43-year-old future hall of fame quarterback Tom Brady faced the 25-year-old uber-talented Patrick Mahomes. Brady...
Yes, 2020 was a year of momentous change, turbulence and uncertainty. A time when emotions spanned the gamut. And when most employees and employers were forced to adapt to unfamiliar working situations. In fact, almost 70 percent of American workers say the pandemic...
Last week, the highly anticipated Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place, and — like many other trade shows — it was delivered via a virtual platform. However, that was no deterrent for the premier international showcase for consumer goods...
Can it be… that the post-pandemic world is really approaching? Just this March, we were all scouring the aisles of our local grocery stores for toilet paper. Do we even remember the BeforeTimes when people used...