AHR Show Report: Cool Picks & Hot Products

AHR Show Report: Cool Picks & Hot Products

The world’s top Heating Venting and Air Conditioning  manufacturers descended on Atlanta in January for AHR 2019. The Expo attracted HVACR professionals from around the globe and provided a forum for manufacturers to showcase products and services…...
“Smart” Appliances Use Technology For Its Own Sake

“Smart” Appliances Use Technology For Its Own Sake

As a group, we marketers have a bad habit that needs to be stopped. We take an idea, phrase or word that we think has meaning to consumers, then repeat it ad nauseum until it is utterly meaningless. Previous examples of terms we have mercilessly beaten into the ground...
How Brands Can Use Journalism To Reach Their Customers

How Brands Can Use Journalism To Reach Their Customers

It’s a tough time to be a journalist covering the building and remodeling industry. Or just about any trade industry, for that matter. Which also presents an opportunity for you as a home & building materials marketer to fill a void…if you do it...