Home & Building Blog


As specialists in marketing for construction and construction business marketing, we at K&A have been dedicated to helping our clients in the residential and commercial building product industry grow their brands for over 35 years. We are passionate about what we do and are always motivated to start each day with a strong cup of coffee and the goal of making a positive impact for our clients. With a focus on building products and a deep understanding of the construction industry, we have become experts in the field and are proud to offer our specialized services to our clients.

Sonos uses storytelling to show their place in people’s lives

Sonos uses storytelling to show their place in people’s lives

Their approach is to take a well-established theme and build stories around it. And to our eye, they’ve done an outstanding job. The company has created a series of ads that stories that are very short (only 30 seconds), yet very rich and detailed. With very little dialog, the ads use visual storytelling and music (of course) to show the viewer what’s going on.

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Influencer Marketing Strategies for Building Products

Influencer Marketing Strategies for Building Products

In just 7 minutes, you’ll discover how to attract influencers and micro-influencers to your building products business, get them talking about your brand to their inner circles, and measure their impact on your sales — almost down to the dollar.

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How and How Not To Use Technology to Reach Consumers

How and How Not To Use Technology to Reach Consumers

Here’s breaking news: emerging technologies are changing the way consumers see the world. More breaking news: modern home and building products marketing leverages these new technologies in an effort to stay relevant and to capture the attention of end users, with...

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Q3 Building Products Outlook | GlassBuild Show Report

Q3 Building Products Outlook | GlassBuild Show Report

While recent hurricanes amplified concerns about labor and construction material costs, builder confidence remains firm. Not even floods, geo-political threat of thermonuclear conflict or $1,000 iPhones could test the resilience and passion at The Glass, Window &...

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Is Tiny House Living the New American Dream?

Is Tiny House Living the New American Dream?

While skeptics argue the popularity of tiny house living is driven by reality television and simply a passing fad, research is showing it’s a trend driven by a changing culture that’s defining how we live in the 21st century. A perfect storm of an aging population, boomerang college grads drowning in student loan debt, and lack of suitable and affordable housing for all but the affluent are only some of the factors driving the tiny house demand and the increase in multigenerational living.

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What can we learn from Rust-Oleum’s troubles?

What can we learn from Rust-Oleum’s troubles?

Ah, the good, old days of advertising. You used to be able to make unsubstantiated, but mostly plausible, claims about the capabilities of your product. You could use copy like “Twice the Coverage!” in a yellow starburst to get consumers’ attention. It wasn’t necessarily completely accurate, but it made the point that your product does more than expected. Not anymore…

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Tugging at Emotions Is A Powerful Approach …If It’s Done Well

Tugging at Emotions Is A Powerful Approach …If It’s Done Well

When it comes to connecting the emotions of home to your brand and product. Do it right, and you have the audience in the palm of your hand. But if you’re careless, you can leave them confused about what you’re saying and what you’re even selling. Two recent examples give us both ends of the spectrum.

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