Chief Customer Officer Strategies For Building Product Brands

Chief Customer Officer Strategies For Building Product Brands

Over the course of the last few years, an increasing number of brands have added a new executive responsibility to their C-suites… the CCO, or Chief Customer Officer. And they’re in good company. In fact, large pioneering companies from across a broad...
Why Agile Marketing Matters for Building Product Brands

Why Agile Marketing Matters for Building Product Brands

Agile Marketing is a phrase that continues to gain traction in marketing circles. It’s an easy concept to initially dismiss… as simply just another buzz phrase. Another concept to file away with TQM (Total Quality Management) certificates and Six...
The Great Resignation – How To Outsource Your Marketing Now

The Great Resignation – How To Outsource Your Marketing Now

The American economy is shifting even as it recovers from the global disruption brought about by the pandemic. The people whose labor fuels that economy seem to be behaving in unprecedented ways. A brief skim through the business press or watching a half hour of CNBC...
Show Review… Best New Products at PSP/DeckExpo

Show Review… Best New Products at PSP/DeckExpo

Last week, thousands of industry professionals congregated at the 2021 International Pool Spa Patio (PSP) Expo / DeckExpo show in Dallas. Event attendance increased by 21 percent from 2019, when the event was held in New Orleans. PSP Expo, the premier...
To Rebrand… or Not to Rebrand a Building Product

To Rebrand… or Not to Rebrand a Building Product

Rebranding is one of the most expensive things you can do in marketing. But it’s not always a good idea… and many companies do it unnecessarily. You may have heard that social media giant Facebook — undoubtedly one of the most powerful, successful...