Not All Publicity is Good PR

Despite its popularity, the saying “all PR is good PR” couldn’t be farther from the truth. Take, for example, the recent indictment of Michael Vick. Now that’s a PR nightmare. In a country where you’re innocent until proven guilty, the...

The Myths About Business Planning

The lazy, hot days of summer are the perfect time for strategic planning. These months at the majority of marketing agencies tend to bring about planning fever, and with that, an in-depth analysis of what was and was not effective in regards to business development. I...

Using the Power of Color to Build a Brand

What can happen when a product is differentiated solely on its color? Owens Corning produced its now famous fiberglass insulation in 1956 with the idea of making it a very visible color, red. They had trouble getting the red color they wanted in the dying process, so...