Overstuffed: Is less really more?

It seems the more you have, the more you need. What if Americans traded in all of their “somethings” for nearly nothing? The recent “extreme-downsizing” trend is becoming a tempting challenge for many, and – as their piles of possessions...

Top Home Trends for 2011

As we look for new inspiration in 2011, I’m sure you’re wondering how to enhance your home in the New Year. Of course, it’s not surprising that many of last year’s trends will continue into 2011; however, there are many new trends worth...

Designers' Strategies For Small Spaces

Designing the perfect small space is like throwing the perfect dinner party: large personalities are needed to make things memorable, while quiet supporting actors provide balance. One large piece in a small room: Interior Design Hall of Fame member Bunny Williams...

Space Solutions: Making the Most of a Small Homes

Most of us have too much stuff…including space. Despite a significant decline in McMansion construction as of late, many families reside in quarters designed to house growing collections of shoes, toys, gadgets and more. For others, minimalist living in spaces...

Keep An Eye Out For PACE

Property-Assessed Clean Energy programs, commonly referred to as PACE, are poised for major growth as more municipalities consider legislation that would allow homeowners this new way to pay for energy efficient retrofits. Here’s how it works. A local government...