According to an article in MediaPost, “Today’s luxury industries are confronting a convergence of two trends: Boomers entering a life stage when traditional materialistic values become less important, and A recessionary economy that for many has decimated...
An economic and housing upturn is lurking somewhere in the future. With hope, new government plans and economic resources could make it happen sooner rather than later. Where is the Potential? BusinessWeek said that “housing starts are expected to jump to...
An In-depth Look at Today’s Corporate Culture As business owners, it’s crucial to not only understand the distinctive groups of generations and individuals that make up your staff, but also what defining life events shape their attitudes, workplace...
Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on Marketing Home Products Within the Generational Housing Bubble The Baby Boomers account for more than 78 million Americans and have been the primary catalyst for the bustling housing market during...
Welcome to the Kleber & Associates blog! Here’s the latest on Marketing Home Products to Eco-Chic Homeowners Recently, our culture has experienced a phenomenon that is unlikely to fade: environmental conscientiousness. With continuous mass media coverage,...