What Building Product Brands Can Learn From a Subway Sandwich

What Building Product Brands Can Learn From a Subway Sandwich

Early this year, fast-food chain Subway was hit with a lawsuit alleging that their tuna sandwiches contained no tuna – and, well, no fish at all. While the company was ultimately exonerated, their response provides a lesson in how not to...
TrendSpotting: GlassBuild Tradeshow Report 2021

TrendSpotting: GlassBuild Tradeshow Report 2021

At GlassBuild 2021, Enthusiasm and Optimism Shined While attendance at GlassBuild America this past week was lighter than usual – not unexpected due to current circumstances – it was clear that the nearly 5,000 industry professionals who made the journey...
Why Building Product Brands Need to Adopt ESG

Why Building Product Brands Need to Adopt ESG

The pandemic, accompanying economic fallout and ensuing increase in sustainable practices aren’t just about tackling environmental risks. True sustainability is about infusing resilience into infrastructure… and this is where ESG (Environmental, Social...
Labor Day Housing Trends Report

Labor Day Housing Trends Report

Housing prices are the highest they’ve ever been… surging 18.6% annually in June, according to S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller. It’s the largest increase on record — since the index began tracking home prices — surpassing May’s...
12 LinkedIn Tips for Building Product Brands

12 LinkedIn Tips for Building Product Brands

Perhaps you are keenly aware that LinkedIn continues to gain traction as a critically important business platform. And, why Microsoft fought so successfully to keep it out of reach from Salesforce CRM. Let’s start there and consider what’s next. As of July...