How to Get Your Building Products on TV Shows

How to Get Your Building Products on TV Shows

Increasingly, companies are looking at more creative ways to help consumers learn about their brands. While traditional marketing tactics such as print, broadcast and digital advertising continue to remain relevant, more brands are turning to approaches such as...

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How Giving Back Pays Meaningful Dividends

How Giving Back Pays Meaningful Dividends

If nothing else, the year 2020 has taught us that the world is an increasingly interconnected place. And that corporations play a major role in keeping society functional. As much of the country continues to shelter in place, many of the world’s challenges in turn,...

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Connecting With Customers in a Virtual World

Connecting With Customers in a Virtual World

While we may want things to return at some point to how they were before COVID-19, there’s no denying that the world has been altered significantly in the past six months. Consider the recent Democratic and Republican presidential conventions... where boisterous...

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Why Going Dark During a Crisis is a Mistake

Why Going Dark During a Crisis is a Mistake

The COVID-19 pandemic, with corresponding political and public health responses, has disrupted commerce and life in a way that hasn’t been seen in generations, if ever. Rising tensions and uncertainty have encouraged companies to venture outside of their comfort...

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Telling Your Brand’s Story with Video

Telling Your Brand’s Story with Video

If the old adage, “A picture is worth 1,000 words,” holds true, then 60-seconds of video is worth 1.8 million words, according to James McQuivey of Forrester Research. Written content will continue to be important for telling your brand’s story. Yet for making...

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How Building Product Brands Can Leverage Testimonials

How Building Product Brands Can Leverage Testimonials

Because the B2B buyer journey is typically complex – and often requires buy-in from multiple parties – it’s important to make it as easy as possible for prospects to justify specifying your brand over the competition. In a study by Gartner,“70% of...

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