We’re all seeing GREEN: a 2010 Greenbuild report

“You don’t change things by solving problems. You solve problems by changing.” – Paul Hawken (speaking at Greenbuild 2010) It’s incredible to me all the strides in sustainability and brilliant innovations we see year after year at...

10 Brands not to miss at Greenbuild 2010

Greenbuild is fast approaching – it’s just a little more than a week away. If you’re headed to the Windy City, be sure to stop by and see what these companies are doing to not only produce quality home products, but do so in extremely...

The New Color of Tradeshows

Let’s face it: going green is here to stay. Most have joined the eco-bandwagon, somehow incorporating green living into their ultra busy lives. Whether it’s a simple change like composting or an extreme decision like installing solar panels on their roofs,...

"On the House" with the Carey Brothers at PCBC

While at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference in San Francisco a couple weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to sit down with my favorite radio hosts, James and Morris Carey. They asked me to fill them in on new and innovative products from the show, many of which...

Home Star Passes in House; Senate Vote Looming

Like its venerable (and controversial) Energy Star predecessor, the Home Star bill would pave the way for homeowners and contractors to reap the benefits from energy-efficient and “green” projects. Michigan Congressman Sander Levin announced last week that...